Wednesday, September 17, 2008

killing time...

I am writing this while at work. Maybe not the best idea, but I have at least 10 minutes of break time left. So, Aida inspired me to start a blog. I am damn sure that I won't have nearly as many stories, but I'm not forcing you to read this either. Right now all I feel like I'm doing is working, and then driving my ass ALL the way back to West St. Paul. That drive kills me, twice a day. Rehearsals start up in a week and a half, that will add quite a bit more activity. I did get to see Frances today though. She's my boss' 3 1/2 year old daughter. Two weeks ago she got kicked in the face by her mule. Surprisingly she's just fine. She's gonna be the toughest girl in the world.
This is odd. I keep wanting to write down everything, but then I remember that this isn't anonymous. I spill most of it. But right now I'm just boring myself.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


It took me for-fucking-ever to set this up and I didn't even get to put up a stupid fucking picture. Not blogger's fault, it's my computer, it's full.